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Is this vicious internet slag halfway through typing out "you are a fucking cunt" on the internet? CALL NOW! **ON REPORT**.

Hello, and Welcome to The Independent Internet Citing Commission. Here at ICIC we process your complaints about wankers who have pissed you off on the fucking internet. Yes, those cunts who have been giving you some gyp, perhaps even calling YOU a "fucking cock" during an internet argument, or perhaps just disagreeing with your proudly-held nazi gestapo sieg-heiling political viewpoints.


We receive the complaints then convene to sift through the details, repairing to our austerely-appointed chamber to deliberate, occasionally taking time out to stroll the grounds, hands clasped importantly behind our backs as we debate intricate points of ethics and morality. Then finally we reach unanimous decision and reconvene to judiciously & officiously mete out some firm internet citing justice.


Citing’s depend on the severity of the breach in question and can range from “No Lunch For You Today Cunt” through to “6 Weeks In A North Korean Concentration Camp At The Bottom Of The Marianas Trench For You, Fuckhead.”

  REPORT that internet prick who called you a cunt TODAY!

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Report the cunts MUM!

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  • Placing stroppy internet fuckheads **ON REPORT**

  • Threatening their families online.

  • Threatening their dog.

  • Feeling sorry for their dog and organising a lawyer for the mangy furry little shit:

  • Access to secret hardcore dog-rooting sites. (ask the guy pictured on the right for all your dog rooting link needs)

  • ​Smart phone throwing support.

  • Phone sex with dogs.

  Report his fucken dog!

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"So which is it Sir, do you want a lawyer for the dog, a dog citing, or a dog wanking link? All 3? Coming right up!"
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